Recent projects:
I’m Maggie, a PhD candidate at the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Information researching pornography platforms. My dissertation examines the platformization of cultural production through the case of Pornhub. Drawing from porn studies, platform studies, political economy, policy analysis & digital methods, I document changing dynamics around technology, labour and governance in the porn industry.
You can find my latest work in Porn Studies, The Globe and Mail, AoIR’s Selected Papers of Internet Research, The Canadian Journal of Communication, New Media & Society, First Monday and The Walrus. I currently sit on the Advisory Board to Pornhub.
I’m a 2024 Fellow at UCLA’s Centre for Critical Internet Inquiry (C2i2) and Massey Junior Fellow, a 2023 Connaught PhD for Public Impact and my PhD work is supported by Canada’s Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). I hol a graduate specialization in Sexual Diversity Studies and have worked with the largest pornography archive in Canada, the Bonham Sexual Representation Collection.
Finally, I’m supported by a strong local union through CUPE 3902 and am a proud member of the Free Speech Coalition defending sex workers and freedom of expression. Workers of the world, unite!